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[Commencement2024] Afghanistan Graduate to Engage in International Trades


I am Mohammad Jawid Nabil from Afghanistan. I graduated from Tianjin University’s School of International Education this June.

Over the past two years of my graduate studies, I not only solidified my professional knowledge but also deeply immersed myself in China's unique culture. As an international student, I was initially filled with curiosity and some apprehension about life in China. However, through studying Chinese culture and engaging in deep exchanges, I gradually came to feel the warmth and friendliness of the Chinese people. Both in the classroom and in campus life, my classmates provided me with significant help and support, and I was deeply attracted to the values that Chinese people place on family and education.

At the beginning of 2024,I was recommended by the university to do a six-month internship in Tiandy Technologies company. It is a world-leading intelligent surveillance solution and service provider. This internship has greatly boosted my confidence about the future career.

In my work, I not only apply the professional knowledge I have learned but also personally experience the vigorous development and innovative vitality of Chinese enterprises. My team members have given me a lot of valuable guidance and support, allowing me to quickly adapt to the work environment and continuously learn and grow through practical projects.

This unforgettable journey of study and internship has undoubtedly paved the way for my future career and life. At this moment, I am full of anticipation for my future and hope to contribute my efforts to the development of both China and the world.

(Mohammad Jawid Nabil got a job offer from the Tiandy Technologies company and will engage in international trade work. Best wishes to him and Class 2024 Graduates!)

By Mohammad Jawid Nabil

Editor: Eva Yin
